The future of the metal benches. |

The future of the metal benches.


Iggy Award Czar/Co 2020-21 Iggy Award Winner PPG
Aug 14, 2011
Probably because last night was the final home game for basketball I took a good look at the benches thinking that if they sell them I would like a section as a keepsake. However, I don't think that's going to be an option since they don't have legs and feet. Right now they have a metal piece that comes under it and is bolted to side of concrete. So, unless you build something at home that resembles steps they are pretty useless.

Then I thought they could donate them to a high-school but realized the same applied. So I came to the conclusion that they will probably end up in the hands of Adam Weitsman who will end up scrapping all 49067 seats.
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I suppose they don’t have to be bolted into concrete. They could be bolted into metal.
You would think they could, and I'm sure any engineer could figure out how to do it to prevent them from toppling over. But it just seems like a huge hassle to repurpose them. If they are planning on donating the cushioned seat backs then I could see a lot of takers for them.
I brought a saw and cut my two seats out.

Just like I did with the wooden benches at Archbold in 1978.
Make sure you do a good job smoothing those edges. it's probably painful getting stitches in your butt.
I know someone who took their two orange seats home last night:) Several people did and staff said it was ok!
if schools have the old wooden bleachers maybe you could attach the metal in place of that?
can remember always tucking a coat bag under the seat. they'd disappear maybe 3 times a season.
if schools have the old wooden bleachers maybe you could attach the metal in place of that?
dammit you dealt with the splinters in my day ! and i rode the pine enuf JV year to know .
I'm a TV fan and don't live close enough to visit the Dome often so feel bad for all the ST holders who will be uncomfortable potentially from the backs or have worse seats.

But I can't wait for the facelift and to never see those freaking benches again on broadcasts.

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