High Point Gameday... | Page 9 | Syracusefan.com

High Point Gameday...

Was at the game yesterday.

A few observations:

1) We have a lot of team speed and offensive skills - best I've seen our team in a bunch of years - but we don't execute well against physical defenses. HP had huge defensive lapses.

2) Spallina continues to show up when it matters least. He's the quietest, least visible multi-goal scorer I can remember

3) Mark played well I thought. Most of the goals against were on the defense. I don't think his stats at roughly 50% reflected his play - he deserved better and was seeing the ball well

4) Defense has to play better if they want to beat Hop next week. HP offense was impressive and went on run up to 9-8. It was the offense that relieved the pressure in the 3rd, not the D.
That is way too black and white on Spallina. Mule is totally right. It’s like people get mad at him for putting up a boatload of points in these games. Attack getting little to no points when matched up against an elite long pole is not something that only happens to spallina. He was getting the better of his matchup this time so we kept going back there. We were getting better looks from middies in the MD and Army games so we kept forcing the issue there, not too different from Hop vs UVA yesterday. I honestly don’t know what people want. He is a sophomore and it is early in his second season. He is a piece of the offense. And he certainly will have his big games against quality comp this year, just like he did last season.
spallina will say grant didn’t have great defender on him yesterday but decent one. But what he did do n needs to do is for most part he dodge without stopping to body defender. He just ran he have bump but didn’t just fully stop to play body. That is what he needs to do he can’t stop his feet to take body he isn’t gonna win vs top defenders. He needs to dodge hard to get topside for shot or to dish it. Also notice fee time mule when dodge from behind had step on guy n could have came around for shot but he slows down also allowing defender to catch up. Like they won’t go hard to get topside in middle cause will be hit. They all need to dodge with speed n stick control.
Our wing dodgers also seem to all go to get under defender which will decrease ur angle toward goal and make it hard to see slide coming when roll back. Feel we should try to get to middle of field when dodging so slides in front of us n able to see it coming for the dish to player being slid off of. Defense seem to struggle when weren’t winning faceoffs n offense wasn’t scoring or taking shots early in possession. Def gonna have to play alot more sound vs hopkins. They need to get better on gbs. Also please no kol on that field unless we are up a lot. Dude just can’t stay with him man seems to worry bout everything and anything other than his guy.
Also seem we lack some rangy shooters also. English more than few times gets middle of field but doesn’t hit the shot with a lot of power. English and stevens great players n very smooth finishers but they’re not shooters would say least so far. They’re more mid range finishers. We need least 1 guy who can snipe from outside prob say roha or Kellogg be first in mind. But we don’t show much outside shooting threat n think if we can will open a lot more of middle and inside finishing for us.
I was very disappointed that they didn't get better defensive players off the portal after last season. That is showing up now.
the portal was light on quality defenseman. they got one of the better ones in matt wright. cuse never had a chance to get beau pederson...he was always headed to michigan. and it didnt help that they lost aviles. there wasnt much to choose from, they did what they could
I was very disappointed that they didn't get better defensive players off the portal after last season. That is showing up now.

There really wasn't much in the way of elite defenders in the portal. The defenders from UVM who went to Maryland are solid but not exactly Zap or Mellen level players. SU brought in a few D3 AA types but they haven't panned out
the portal was light on quality defenseman. they got one of the better ones in matt wright. cuse never had a chance to get beau pederson...he was always headed to michigan. and it didnt help that they lost aviles. there wasnt much to choose from, they did what they could

Right, they did bring in quite a bit of defensive help. I am surprised that Schmitt, Titus and Puckhabor haven’t been given more of a look this season, but given that none of us are at practice, I’m sure there is a reason for it.

Aviles was a bigger loss than I could have imagined, I thought Syracuse would find or develop someone to fill his place. That has not been the case. Outside of him, Yeager and Pederson there weren’t a lot of quality SSDMs in the portal, which is what the team really needed. I guess the bigger question is why haven’t they been able to develop better SSDM play in the last however many years, but that’s a harder question to answer.
That is way too black and white on Spallina. Mule is totally right. It’s like people get mad at him for putting up a boatload of points in these games. Attack getting little to no points when matched up against an elite long pole is not something that only happens to spallina. He was getting the better of his matchup this time so we kept going back there. We were getting better looks from middies in the MD and Army games so we kept forcing the issue there, not too different from Hop vs UVA yesterday. I honestly don’t know what people want. He is a sophomore and it is early in his second season. He is a piece of the offense. And he certainly will have his big games against quality comp this year, just like he did last season.

He’s a starting X attackman that the offense runs through when he has the ball. He will need to step up against the big dogs for this team to get over the hump. (It’s not even about scoring it’s forcing slides against MD and Army… and Duke, UVA, and Notre Dame.). I do have faith that he’ll figure it out.
I truely think spallina will be fine vs top guys once he realizes he can’t body them and rely on his skills and iq. Think he can get guys looking by faking the btb as everyone expects him to do it so nice fake then roll out of it think can get topside off it. He also needs to dodge hard n as fast as he can non stopping allowing the bigger D guys to get in close to play body. He super smart and talented think he will learn. As someone said he doesn’t need to be scorer or hero n even if decoy that’s fine but has to draw the slides to open up other players. Maby even have him dodge off wing or up top as some cover guys arnt use to that. Also seems when dodge sometkmes any player they dont give enough space get their trying to set pick but ur also bring ur defender with you when do so. For our lil faster guys spread out and let them have room so if they do beat their man the slide has way to go to get there n then follow the slide for open look. Many teams scored this way on his so score on them same way. We seem to dodge with our backs towards slide which then double comes n really only pass to make is behind net (to us trying to get below defender not to middle of field) n when pass go behind net sometimes doesn’t move quickly to opposite side n D has time to recover. Where if ya dodge to get middle slide comes in front of you and more options to pass to plus be easier pass as ur facing everyone then just guy at X. Also don’t see enough offball picks for guys. If ball on wing n two guys in middle have them set picks for one another as guy dodges. Also wasn’t schmidt a gb machine where he was? Least give him some runs at Lsm as only see olexo and wright play lsm. Can’t use 2 dudes non stop tho their both good need to save their legs use schmidt and even puckhaber n titus (dmid) see what they can do. A spark can come from anywhere or anyone that may surprise ya. Either way hopkins isn’t gonna be easy and they def need a win. Gonna have to play very good take care of ball and win gb battle.
I just fine it hard to believe that jake spallina (tho talented) , levine and Trujillo are so much better than titus who has played that spot his whole career in college D3 or not. He is on man down unit so trust him there but not to get run normally? Why bring him in if not even gonna give him a shot? I watch hopkins uva game n i noticed and even quint mention it that they use like 4-6 dmids throughout game. I highly doubt they’re all studs and yes used their main guys more, But still used other and kept guys fresh. Even when not playing top teams none of guys schmidt , puckhaber , titus even get any runs unless clearing bench. Put them in games we should win or when it’s valuable n see what or how it goes. We use stevens and english also but saw vs army (with stevens) english was beat before halftime. All his goals were in first half don’t think he scored in second half if did was only once. Don’t seem be getting alot of offensive production out of stevens and english majority of times not sure cause they’re little tired playing both or what. I just don’t think can hurt (until it clear it does hurt) do use more guys who have experience D1 or not. Olexo wright schmidt think should be Lsm running and dmids rice spallina levine titus trujillo. Will help save stevens and english little more to maby can get better production on offense from them. I don’t know not coach not at practice but find hard a freshman (even tho a spallina) guy switching to dmid are far more solid then titus who has played that spot.
He’s a starting X attackman that the offense runs through when he has the ball. He will need to step up against the big dogs for this team to get over the hump. (It’s not even about scoring it’s forcing slides against MD and Army… and Duke, UVA, and Notre Dame.). I do have faith that he’ll figure it out.
For one he was forcing slides against MD. He creates plenty of looks off his passing alone and teams often do slide when he gets to that 5 and 5 spot. Sometimes a top long pole is going to take out the top attack threat and that’s what happened with army. If he wasn’t guarding Spallina he would have erased someone else like Leo or English. We were getting quality looks elsewhere and outside of that bad shot in OT he was not forcing it too much. We need all nine in the starting offense to step up against the big dogs. He is so far from being the biggest problem with the offense. I have more faith in him doing his part than I do a lot of guys. And with a rough day from the defense yesterday we needed his 7 goals on 10 shots.
Duke and UNC both found that out last night. Completely agree on Syracuse needing to close out the big games and they still have Hopkins and Cornell left OOC. I believe they need to win those 2 games and at least 2 ACC games.
IMO need 2 of 3 against Cornell, Hop, Delaware. Then 2 conference games and they would get in. Keep in mind none of those remaining quality OOC opponents are home. Neutral sight wins over top 20 teams would sure help
Think if they beat hopkins, cornell , delaware and unc plus hobart n if lose to duke uva dam i still think they get in specially if those acc loses are close games. That would give them 5 loses to all top 5 teams pretty much
They may be able to catch duke or maby uva on bad day to get when there. But dame don’t like their chances has kav brothers are very fast and skilled along with jake taylor and we go for stick way to much n against those dudes going for stick not body isn’t gonna be pretty
but let’s look at next game ahead only. Need to focus and take care of hopkins first. That is def big game for cuse. Hopefully also colgate and utah can go on runs to end up in top 20 least give some decent win.
That is way too black and white on Spallina. Mule is totally right. It’s like people get mad at him for putting up a boatload of points in these games. Attack getting little to no points when matched up against an elite long pole is not something that only happens to spallina. He was getting the better of his matchup this time so we kept going back there. We were getting better looks from middies in the MD and Army games so we kept forcing the issue there, not too different from Hop vs UVA yesterday. I honestly don’t know what people want. He is a sophomore and it is early in his second season. He is a piece of the offense. And he certainly will have his big games against quality comp this year, just like he did last season.

I thought Spallina played pretty well against Maryland. If a couple of his passes were finished (Thomson had one in particular), and he got one from when he got to his spot about 5-6 yards out (I think he got there twice and the goalie stuffed him once), he has a 4-6 point game against a first team all american.

He was terrible against Army. His worst game in an Orange uniform. Happy he bounced back well against High Point.
I thought Spallina played pretty well against Maryland. If a couple of his passes were finished (Thomson had one in particular), and he got one from when he got to his spot about 5-6 yards out (I think he got there twice and the goalie stuffed him once), he has a 4-6 point game against a first team all american.

He was terrible against Army. His worst game in an Orange uniform. Happy he bounced back well against High Point.
You make a valid point - I may be too harsh on Spallina :cool:

Part of my concern goes back to the hype around him before he played a game - so far, he's not the dominant force and game changer that some of the recent #1 ranked recruits showed early in their careers. He's certainly better than the last few #22s.

The remaining stretch in the season will provide a fairer picture of where he's at and I do take your point that he's still a sophomore and we're not quite halfway through the season.
You make a valid point - I may be too harsh on Spallina :cool:

Part of my concern goes back to the hype around him before he played a game - so far, he's not the dominant force and game changer that some of the recent #1 ranked recruits showed early in their careers. He's certainly better than the last few #22s.

The remaining stretch in the season will provide a fairer picture of where he's at and I do take your point that he's still a sophomore and we're not quite halfway through the season.
I'm not the best guy to analyze the offense but can someone tell me if they think March and Gait and "featuring" Joey to justify the #22 and maybe not distributing the ball as much as they could?

By the way, I like Joey and think he's a great kid. This is just about what's good for the team.
You make a valid point - I may be too harsh on Spallina :cool:

Part of my concern goes back to the hype around him before he played a game - so far, he's not the dominant force and game changer that some of the recent #1 ranked recruits showed early in their careers. He's certainly better than the last few #22s.

The remaining stretch in the season will provide a fairer picture of where he's at and I do take your point that he's still a sophomore and we're not quite halfway through the season.

He doesnt have an elite athletic trait that makes him an alpha #1. I think he's clearly an elite lacrosse player, but with the athletes playing these days, that won't always be enough.

He also doesnt play with a massive finisher (e.g. Cormier) or massive dodger (e.g. O'Neill or Dobson) who is going to draw a lot of attention away from him.

He's going to dominate in those games where he is not athletically disadvantaged, and will usually hold his own against #1s, like Zap. I think he just stunk against Army, plain and simple.
For one he was forcing slides against MD. He creates plenty of looks off his passing alone and teams often do slide when he gets to that 5 and 5 spot. Sometimes a top long pole is going to take out the top attack threat and that’s what happened with army. If he wasn’t guarding Spallina he would have erased someone else like Leo or English. We were getting quality looks elsewhere and outside of that bad shot in OT he was not forcing it too much. We need all nine in the starting offense to step up against the big dogs. He is so far from being the biggest problem with the offense. I have more faith in him doing his part than I do a lot of guys. And with a rough day from the defense yesterday we needed his 7 goals on 10 shots.

He’s struggled to beat top defenders 1v1. During MD game he was getting eaten up and my group kept saying they needed to go away from him.

No one has remotely said he’s the biggest problem on offense though. Not even close, but he’s feasted on lesser opponents. Elite players are elite against elite players.
He’s struggled to beat top defenders 1v1. During MD game he was getting eaten up and my group kept saying they needed to go away from him.

No one has remotely said he’s the biggest problem on offense though. Not even close, but he’s feasted on lesser opponents. Elite players are elite against elite players
I guess Pat Kav and Coulter Mackesy are also not elite because their stats were nearly identical to Spallinas against md. He already had good performances against top defenses last season. Outside of the army game he has been fine. I guarantee he will have big games in the acc this season. People having no confidence in him is insane. It’s like they are watching different tape.
IMO need 2 of 3 against Cornell, Hop, Delaware. Then 2 conference games and they would get in. Keep in mind none of those remaining quality OOC opponents are home. Neutral sight wins over top 20 teams would sure help
delaware is looking very shaky...they are 29 in the RPI right now and still have to play their terrible CAA schedule which includes hampton. as of today, it doesnt seem like that will end up being a quality win while a loss could be catastrophic

i'm with you though that they need to win at least one of hop or cornell but then the 2 ACC wins (reg. season + conf tourney) need to be non-UNC teams, ideally...if UNC is one of the wins then im not sure that a win over hop/cornell and one over duke/uva/nd will be enough...could be but that is bubbleland for sure. would help if those teams all finish top 10 which they very well might
As i said joey is fine and clearly talented. My only knack on him is trying to body these big time defenders. He isn’t gonna win that battle. High points guy on him isn’t a top dog but he isn’t weak either. But joey also didn’t try to body him up like he has. All think joey has to do when has top d guy on him is dodge hard don’t stop n play body game. Think if he stays away from playing the body game with these guys he will be a lot better off. I know that’s what he did in high school a lot but isn’t gonna fly here. He needs to keep little distance from defender so he is able to make those passes or shots. As said he is smart and will be fine. Offense as whole just need to finish their shots change levels throw a fake dodge with confidence dodge to get topside or middle and hustle ride for every loose ball.
Most teams were gonna play have dudes of size or dudes with speed some are both. We don’t have much size or a lot of speed so have to play smarter and make less mistakes while taking advantage of every opportunity we get.

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