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The Walking Dead

such as the walkers ability to smell humans - in S1 they hung rotting meat from themselves to not arouse suspician, and now they can suddenly just hide behind or under a car? Meh.

I completely forgot about that from S1.
The second half of Season 2 has begun. Picked up right where they left off - with lazy writing and people making stupid decisions. Frustration over what it could be continues to gain on what it actually is. Still a must watch though.
The second season has been quite short on actual zombies. They seem to make a cameo every now and then but for the most part the show has turned into a soap opera.
Have watched the show since it started. Tonight's mid-season finality was intense. Poor Herschel. For those who don't watch, the show is much much more than killing zombies. It's very much about human behavior and what you would do in the worse situations and circumstances. Great show.
Glad to see the finally ended the story line from last year. So sick of that guy.

Which guy? The Governor? I thought David Morrissey did a spectacular job with that character. He was going to go out with a bang, it was only a matter of when.

As a fan of the comic I was waiting for the arrival of the tank. Once I saw it I knew fire and brimstone would be raining down on the prison...and that blood would be spilt.
Which guy? The Governor? I thought David Morrissey did a spectacular job with that character. He was going to go out with a bang, it was only a matter of when.

As a fan of the comic I was waiting for the arrival of the tank. Once I saw it I knew fire and brimstone would be raining down on the prison...and that blood would be spilt.

The Governor. While it was a good character they should have ended that story line last year. The show had been too much man vs. man instead of man vs. zombie. I am glad he is gone for good now.
That episode was fantastic. The biggest "Oh No!" moment for me was with the little girl.

The little girl gunslinger, right? Yep. Me too. Time for the former police cadet to find a new girlfriend. She did the lesbian girlfriend like Doc Holliday did John Ringo in Tombstone.
That episode was fantastic. The biggest "Oh No!" moment for me was with the little girl.
Don't you mean the little girl who got bit by the zombie who came out of the flash flood mud? That was creative. Governor wasted no time putting her down for good.

I agree, it was a fantastic episode for action.
That episode definitely had me on the edge of my seat. Had a little bit of adrenaline in me when it was over.
What the efffffffffffffffffffffffff and op say spoilers in title. That was crazyyyyyy
Other than swapping Hershel in for the corresponding character who got decapitated in the comics, this was arguably the most true to the comics episode they've done since the pilot.
Does anybody have any theory about who was putting the dead rats by the fence?
stop reading if you haven't seen it yet:

for those who have, here is my theory about Terminus:

I think it is a community of cannibals. The group ran into some cannibals in the comic book (but they were not a fixed community, they were a group of roamers called The Hunters and were more akin to The Claimers that were recently disposed of (I wish they hadn't gotten rid of them so quickly, they had promise and Jeff Kober is always an interesting actor).

The final episode had a lot of talk about how hungry the survivors were, and how hard it was becoming to get food. Terminus is designed to draw people in and they studiously tried to herd the newcomers and not shoot directly at them. And, finally, the survivors briefly ran past what looked like an abattoir featuring a rib cage and other human remains. I think the denizens of terminus have solved the food crisis by capturing and eating other survivors.
why do they have to eat survivors if the disease is already in everyone in some form and the brain seems to be the part that causes the issues. perhaps they can just eat the zombie hoards.
Yeah, I agree, it's cannibals, for all the reasons you state. Plus all the lines like "let us make you a plate" and "people arrive and we grow stronger". Given how easily confused the fanbase as a whole seems (WHO SET OFF THE ALARM IN THE PRISON? WHO WAS FEEDING THE WALKERS AT THE FENCE?) I think this is about as subtle as they dare go.
why do they have to eat survivors if the disease is already in everyone in some form and the brain seems to be the part that causes the issues. perhaps they can just eat the zombie hoards.

Even ignoring the zombie disease, there are still too many health risks to eating rancid meat.
Yeah, I agree, it's cannibals, for all the reasons you state. Plus all the lines like "let us make you a plate" and "people arrive and we grow stronger". Given how easily confused the fanbase as a whole seems (WHO SET OFF THE ALARM IN THE PRISON? WHO WAS FEEDING THE WALKERS AT THE FENCE?) I think this is about as subtle as they dare go.
Other items:
- The route to and through Terminus used the same strategy as the rabbit snare that Rick was showing Carl in the woods.
- When they were frisked on the way in, the intention wasn't to check for weapons (they gave those back), but to check how healthy they were. This group was young and strong, so they were herded toward the (Grade) A car/pen. "A" was the name of the episode btw.
- Everyone saw the powdered milk outside the train car and assumed that Judith would be inside. But it wasn't baby formula - they are fattening up their future meals before the butchering.
- They sure had alot of meat available for an urban setting with no farm animals around (at least from what we've seen so far).
- Not sure if was in one of the flashbacks shown in this episode, but back at the prison, Rick told Carl that they don't name the pigs because they are just going to be slaughtered and eaten. When loading the boxcar, Gareth referred to them as "Leader", "Archer", "Samurai", and "Kid". They just met, so maybe he didn't recall names though - will have to see if that continues going forward.
Other items:
- The route to and through Terminus used the same strategy as the rabbit snare that Rick was showing Carl in the woods.
- When they were frisked on the way in, the intention wasn't to check for weapons (they gave those back), but to check how healthy they were. This group was young and strong, so they were herded toward the (Grade) A car/pen. "A" was the name of the episode btw.
- Everyone saw the powdered milk outside the train car and assumed that Judith would be inside. But it wasn't baby formula - they are fattening up their future meals before the butchering.
- They sure had alot of meat available for an urban setting with no farm animals around (at least from what we've seen so far).
- Not sure if was in one of the flashbacks shown in this episode, but back at the prison, Rick told Carl that they don't name the pigs because they are just going to be slaughtered and eaten. When loading the boxcar, Gareth referred to them as "Leader", "Archer", "Samurai", and "Kid". They just met, so maybe he didn't recall names though - will have to see if that continues going forward.
Jesus H! I have no idea how much of this you deduced by yourself but that is some great stuff right there. nicely done.
One thing I need to re-watch the episode for:
When they were being herded through town, they approached the fenceline and turned when they saw a line of people hiding in the weeds. But did those people actively participate in moving them toward the preferred route or just stay somewhat hidden and watch? Gareth previously speculated that Rick got in unnoticed because somebody (I forget his name) was probably on patrol duty - implying that they don't have a team of guards stationed along the perimeter.

If the latter, it is a parallel to when Rick, Carl, etc. came up on the lone guy surrounded in the field and decided they couldn't help him. This could be another group arriving at Terminus that is performing a proper recon before entering - not like the quick peek that Rick conducted. Or they could be escapees preparing to mount an attack that could turn into a rescue next season.

{EDIT: Finally re-watched the Terminus scene and I was incorrect. The people in the weeds pulled guns on the group to herd them toward the railcar.}
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