You know what the best part of this move is? |

You know what the best part of this move is?


2023-24 Iggy Award Most 3 Pointers Made
Aug 26, 2011
I get to go from being OttointheGrotto to OttoinGrotto.

The worst part is that I worked so hard over the years to have such a robust post count and that is just... gone.
Me too. I have something like 6,663 posts on Scout. Now I'm an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.
have to say I am loving the new avatar Otto but I will miss Lama-face.
frozens avitar is a close second right now only trailing francis's for the comedy factor
The worst part is that I worked so hard over the years to have such a robust post count and that is just... gone.

On the bright side, maybe now you can focus on quality over quantity. :D
I kid because I love, gang. Otto, whether in Grotto or in the Grotto, is a frequent contributor to these boards over several iterations, and part of the fabric of the boards.

Clearly I am the one who needs to focus on quality!
On the bright side, maybe now you can focus on quality over quantity. :D
OH snap!

I can't even argue with it.

Truthfully though, I always felt that the offseason separated the men from the boys on the message board. The offseason is when you work to get your post count up so when the newbies with 20 posts try giving you crap during the season everyone else could see who was committed and who hadn't put the work in during the offseason.
Just wanted to see how my shiny new avatar looked...
have to say I am loving the new avatar Otto but I will miss Lama-face.
You didn't need to miss it for long.

My new avatar is so meta. It's mind bottling.
Like the change of venus thus far, had to give up my Scout name, Richierocafella, though. Otherwise, giddy-up!
Like the change of venus thus far, had to give up my Scout name, Richierocafella, though. Otherwise, giddy-up!

Why, couldn't get Scout to release it? In all seriousness I was curious how many people coming over are here with new names versus how many of the new names are simply new people?
Why, couldn't get Scout to release it? In all seriousness I was curious how many people coming over are here with new names versus how many of the new names are simply new people?

Apparently my name had too many letters, so my new handle has a slight variation.
I get to go from being OttointheGrotto to OttoinGrotto.

The worst part is that I worked so hard over the years to have such a robust post count and that is just... gone.

I got my "Rossco" back after 11 years!!!!:)
Playing --- new fun!! Rossco is alive and well --- who would have predicted two days ago!

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