My Reply to Rob Konrad |

My Reply to Rob Konrad


All American
Jun 18, 2018
My reply to Rob Konrad.

"I’d invite any Orange Faithful that have Ideas where this special collection should go as I feel it belongs to the community, please send along respectful ideas." - Rob Konrad

I had no idea these things, a collection of # 44 items you have, even existed. It is exciting that they do and I respect you for keeping them them safe.

It is amazing that in 2024, the conversation about the number goes on and on. This year marks the 70th anniversary of that numbers introduction. The items themselves are more than inanimate objects, they are football legend. So many still remember and revere the idea of 44. Shouldn't these one of a kind things that Jim Brown's, Ernie Davis's, Floyd Little's, yours and others that wore 44, sweat and incredible hard work be where all the history was made?

You said "it belongs to the community." How can you live with the thought that you are keeping so many from looking and maybe even touching the helmet that Brown wore?

I don't understand why you don't make the journey from wherever you are, walk into John Wildhack's office and tell him that you've thought about this for a long time and rightfully, these items, helmet, jerseys, etc. should be on display at the university.

Maybe the helmet could be placed on a pedestal in view of Syracuse fans and opponents each week and all players on their way out to the field, in the Dome at home football games, could touch it for luck and reverence, then be put back in its place on display in the new football wing? Thousands at the game and in the media and television will know that 44 is back because of you and would give a new kind of life to 44.

Perhaps, a place for all these things may be constructed because of your unselfish gift and displayed for all future incoming recruits, parents and others to view on unofficial and official trips to Syracuse University. There could be a bronze plaque that says; "A Gift of Rob Konrad" close to the items on a wall and you will be there next to 44 forever.

I am not a judge or psychotherapist or know if this is true, Rob, but maybe if you give you will lose your "I deserve all the money I can get attitude", along with the guilt I believe you may harbor in your soul. You will be able to, with a sigh of relief, rid yourself of any ill feelings towards the current administration and know that you have done a great thing by allowing current and future players to view the "Legend of 44" all because you took the right step in giving back. Thousands will be able to admire your gift.

Life is not all about money. It is all about, You Get What You Give. For me, if you take that step, it will outweigh any financial gain by anyone and "Let 44 be Free Again."

Thank you.
One would hope Rob is open to such a broad and thoughtful perspective on the matter.
My reply to Rob Konrad.

"I’d invite any Orange Faithful that have Ideas where this special collection should go as I feel it belongs to the community, please send along respectful ideas." - Rob Konrad

I had no idea these things, a collection of # 44 items you have, even existed. It is exciting that they do and I respect you for keeping them them safe.

It is amazing that in 2024, the conversation about the number goes on and on. This year marks the 70th anniversary of that numbers introduction. The items themselves are more than inanimate objects, they are football legend. So many still remember and revere the idea of 44. Shouldn't these one of a kind things that Jim Brown's, Ernie Davis's, Floyd Little's, yours and others that wore 44, sweat and incredible hard work be where all the history was made?

You said "it belongs to the community." How can you live with the thought that you are keeping so many from looking and maybe even touching the helmet that Brown wore?

I don't understand why you don't make the journey from wherever you are, walk into John Wildhack's office and tell him that you've thought about this for a long time and rightfully, these items, helmet, jerseys, etc. should be on display at the university.

Maybe the helmet could be placed on a pedestal in view of Syracuse fans and opponents each week and all players on their way out to the field, in the Dome at home football games, could touch it for luck and reverence, then be put back in its place on display in the new football wing? Thousands at the game and in the media and television will know that 44 is back because of you and would give a new kind of life to 44.

Perhaps, a place for all these things may be constructed because of your unselfish gift and displayed for all future incoming recruits, parents and others to view on unofficial and official trips to Syracuse University. There could be a bronze plaque that says; "A Gift of Rob Konrad" close to the items on a wall and you will be there next to 44 forever.

I am not a judge or psychotherapist or know if this is true, Rob, but maybe if you give you will lose your "I deserve all the money I can get attitude", along with the guilt I believe you may harbor in your soul. You will be able to, with a sigh of relief, rid yourself of any ill feelings towards the current administration and know that you have done a great thing by allowing current and future players to view the "Legend of 44" all because you took the right step in giving back. Thousands will be able to admire your gift.

Life is not all about money. It is all about, You Get What You Give. For me, if you take that step, it will outweigh any financial gain by anyone and "Let 44 be Free Again."

Post it to him on twitter. You'll probably get some unhinged DM and blocked too like the rest of us :D
Hell, if he wants to retain ownership of the memorabilia, he could donate a small case or a pedestal within a larger display. It could display one of the items (with a plaque recognizing him) and he could periodically rotate the item on display from his collection. Hold a small presser/presentation/ego strokeoff with Rob and anyone available who is associated with the incoming item.

Not a huge deal, but a small positive for a minor investment.
Hell, if he wants to retain ownership of the memorabilia, he could donate a small case or a pedestal within a larger display. It could display one of the items (with a plaque recognizing him) and he could periodically rotate the item on display from his collection. Hold a small presser/presentation/ego strokeoff with Rob and anyone available who is associated with the incoming item.

Not a huge deal, but a small positive for a minor investment.
I imagine you could get a really nice display case fraction of what those items are worth. Something custom built and 44 themed. If he has millions to spend on that, what's another $50k or whatever?
I think your letter will prob make him mad because no one tells Rob Konrad what to do. He was the last guy to wear #44 in case you forgot.
Thankfully you didn’t mention George Deleon. Rob Konrad is the only person allowed to talk about coach.
And did I mention Rob Konrad was the last guy to wear #44?

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